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Romain Lemenorel : consultant SEO

25 décembre 2023

Scripts Google Sheet utiles pour le SEO

24 juillet 2023

Nouvelle mise à jour importante de Screaming frog


Screaming Frog SEO Spider Update - Version 19.0 - Screaming Frog

We're delighted to announce Screaming Frog SEO Spider version 19.0, codenamed internally as 'Peel'. This update contains a number of significant updates, new features and enhancements based upon user feedback and a little internal steer. Let's take a look at what's new. 1) Updated Design While subtle, the GUI appearance...


28 mars 2023

Rapport d'analyse sur la dernière core update de Google


Google Core Update Mars 2023 - SISTRIX

Environ six mois après la dernière Core Update, Google est en train de déployer une nouvelle mise à jour majeure. Dans cet article, nous allons rassembler toutes les données, analyses et opinions sur le sujet. Après que Google ait été très occupé ces derniers mois avec des mises à jour [...]


14 août 2022

Extension Chrome pour se connecter rapidement au rapport GSC d'une page


GSC: URL Performance Report Deeplink

Takes the webpage you're looking at and opens the performance report in Google search console to the relevant page.


15 juillet 2022

Différence entre le code source HTML et le rendu du HTML



13 juin 2022

Infographie sur les métriques GA4 vs Universal Analytics


Google Analytics 4 vs. Universal Analytics : Comparaison des métriques

La deadline pour mettre en place Google Analytics 4 approche à grands pas. Si votre site Web s'appuie sur des données d'une année sur l'autre pour mesurer ses performances et que vous prévoyez de mettre en place GA4, vous aurez besoin de le faire avant le 1er juillet 2022.


26 février 2022

Etude sur l'évolution des PAA et des positions 0 depuis 3 ans


People Also Asked vs. Featured Snippets - 3 years of data

Growth Memo Over the last 3 years, Google has significantly increased the number of People Also Asked boxes while decreasing the number of Featured Snippets. Google Search is transforming into an app that gives users direct answers instead of sending them to websites where they have to look for answers.


8 décembre 2021

Planification de crawl avec Screaming Frog


How To Automate Crawl Reports In Data Studio

This tutorial explains how to set-up the Screaming Frog SEO Spider to create fully automated Google Data Studio crawl reports to monitor site health, detect issues, and track performance. By connecting a scheduled crawl to a Google Drive account, the SEO Spider can append crawl overview data as a new row within a single Google Sheet.


17 mai 2020

Analyse pour mieux comprendre la core update de Google de Mai 2020


An intensive analysis of the May 2020 Google Core Update by MHC - Marie Haynes Consulting

On May 4, 2020 Google announced that they were releasing a core quality update. So far, this is shaping up to be an update with widespread effects, possibly even more impactful than the August 1, 2018 Medic update. We had hoped that the main focus of this update would be to help demote sites that were publishing harmful advice relating to COVID-19.


10 février 2020

Etude de cas sur les featured snippet


The Power of "Is": A Featured Snippet Case Study

I'm not a literary scholar, but I believe it was Hamlet that said "to have a featured snippet or not to have a featured snippet?" Ever since featured snippets came onto the scene, sites have been trying to secure them. My team and I wanted in on this craze.


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Romain Lemenorel : consultant SEO